Freitag, 21. August 2015

And I always think of you God

A se lezi Tanisa Crk od kraljeve Sutjeske, od kralja voljen, al bez slobode,
k'o lovacki pas kralju dodjeljen.
Zivjeh al vodom ne zgasih zedj nit plodovma zemje ne vtolih glad, jer se glad i
zedj vratjahu svaki dan u utrobu moju, kao tsto se vsaki dan vratcah ja iz
polja kutci svojoj isti, al za taj dan druktciji.
I stalno misljah na tebe Gospode, i sa molitvom tebi sklapah obnoc otci
svoje, i sa molitvom tebi zjutrom ih otvarah kao tsto se zjutrom otvaraju
projzori i dverji doma tvojega i mojega.
I stalno te tcekah i nadah ti se stalno. Al Ti se ne pojavi niti mi se Ti obznani.
Samo muk.
I rodi se sumnja u dusi mojoj sumnji nesklonoj da i ti negdi, ko ja ovdi,
uzalud ne tcekas spasenje od mene.
I s tom terzkom mislju legoh pod ovi biljig i tu miso usijekoh u tverdi kam da
oni koji protcitaju vide tko tce od nas dvojce pervi docekat spasenje.
Legoh grk 1389. ljeta po Gospodu kad Tverdko bje kralj od Bosne, Serbie,
Dalmeise i Zapadnijeh strana, a ja tad bjeh starac koji u svjetu vidjeh ono tsto
nehtjeh vidjet, a ne dotcekah ono tsto srdce moje stalno tcekase i samo to

"Here lies Tanisa Crk from Kraljeva Sutjeska,
loved by the king, but without freedom,
like a hunting dog given to the king.
I lived, but the water did not remove my thirst
nor fruits of the earth did not remove my hunger,
but hunger and thirst returned every day into my womb,
as I every day came back home out of the field,
but different for every day.
And I always think of you God,
and with prayer to You, every night I closed my eyes,
and with prayer to You, every morning I opened them
as in the morning windows and doors opens of Your house and mine.
And always I hope and wait for You.
But You God did not appear, nor did You show Yourself to me.
Only silence.

And a doubt wase born in my soul,
that maybe somewhere You are waiting for salvation,
as I am here waiting for Your salvation.
And with this difficult thought I lied under these landmark
and this thought I carved in this hard rock,
that those who read, can see,
who will be the first of two of us to welcome the salvation.
I lied bitter in summer in the year of Lord 1389,
when Tvrtko was king of Bosnia, Serbia, Dalmatia and Western Sides,
but I was an old man, who saw things in this world, that I did not want to see,
nor I welcomed what my heart was always waiting and longing for."

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